Why Muslim Women Should Cut Their Hair


The question of whether or not Muslim women should cut their hair has been brought up many times. In the United States, a survey was conducted in which Muslim women were asked if they would cut their hair if they could get away with it. While almost all of the women said yes, there were a small number who said no. What makes this a controversial topic is the fact that in the United States and in many other Western countries, women are expected to conform to social mores, including keeping their heads covered. Many people are surprised when they find out that Muslim women are allowed to be themselves, without adhering to rules that would have them covering their heads.

Another question that is often asked about this topic is as to why a woman should cut her hair if she can’t have a person to do it for her. This is a valid question to ask, as each person will choose to live as a Muslim according to their own beliefs and principles. A person who is able to choose to cut their hair is closer to being a Muslim, as they have the ability to choose to shave their hair, dye their hair and even wear head gears. All Muslims, regardless of their religion, have the right to live as a Muslim woman.

Since the main focus for most Muslims is to follow their religion, there is no reason why a woman shouldn’t cut their hair. It doesn’t matter what other religions believe or what the governments of different countries think. Each person chooses to follow their own beliefs when it comes to their religion, so they have every right to do so, whether or not other people think it is a good thing.
